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My English Diary_Mission 3

C_e/My english diary

by NONI_Sommelier 2021. 8. 24. 11:15


Mission 3. Which parts in Koera do you want to show to your friends from other countries?



Actually, I haven't traveled a lot, so it's hard to recommend it to a foreign friend.

Two years ago, I planned to show various aspects of Daejeon with my foreign friends.

I couldn't do it because of Covid-19.

I've traveled a few times on a one-day trip,

 but no matter how hard I think about it, 

I can't think of where to show it and why I want to show it.

Thinking about it to write this reminds me that I haven't traveled much.

If I have time later, I will go on a trip often. I'll make time for it.



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