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My English Diary_Mission 5

C_e/My english diary

by NONI_Sommelier 2021. 8. 28. 14:56


Mission 5. Do you like shopping?



I like shopping. when I think about when I started liking it.

When I was in high school, I was interested in clothes for a while, 

but I didn't think I cared much about it until I graduated from high school.

I paid attention to my clothes when I entered university, 

but I don't have money, so I think I tried a lot of things with my clothes.

Before I went to the army, I thought I should find someone who likes me even if I don't dress up.

But there were characters who thought the same as me in the movie.

I'm sorry that I can't remember the title of the movie, but I changed my mind after watching it.

Decorating is one of the means of expressing myself, and I can think of it as one of self-management.

I think that's why I spent a lot of money on my allowance.

But I didn't buy anything expensive.

I have an idea about consumption. I think it's a wrong consumption because I can't afford what I bought.

I think I should be able not to react sensitively if there is a stain on the clothes I bought, 

and I should be able to handle it without getting angry when someone scratches my car.

Now I do internet shopping because I don't do anything as a hobby and I don't do anything other than studying.


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