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My English Diary_Mission 4

C_e/My english diary

by NONI_Sommelier 2021. 8. 25. 15:36


Mission 4. Where is your longest travel in your life?



I mentioned it before, but I haven't traveled a lot, but I've been to Osaka, Japan once.

When I was a freshman in university,

people around me told me that I should travel abroad at the age of 20, 

so I think I traveled because of that.

At that time, three of my high school friends were already preparing for a trip to Japan.

About two weeks ago, I participated in the trip, so I hurriedly made a passport and made a travel plan.

It's been about 5 years since I went on a trip, and there are about 4 memorable things.

The first is that I didn't feel like I was in a foreign country 

until the third day of my five-day trip.
 The second is Universal Studios.  The rides are also memorable, 

but the atmosphere of the performance or theme park is memorable.
Third, using Google Maps,

we could find our way anywhere without asking for directions using Japanes. 

Of course, some of my friends were smart enough to find them better.

Fourth, I think that my favorite Japanese food can be a Japanese food 

that has become Korean.






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